TAM 202, Spring 2003

Homework guidelines, Exams and grading

202 Home page | Syllabus | Homework Guidelines, Exams & Grading | Laboratories | Staff, Office hours & Section Schedule | Staff Responsibilities | Final Exam Information

Homework guidelines: Homeworks are due every Tuesday at noon in the homework mailboxes in Thurston 102. . You must adhere to the following guidelines to get credit.

a) On the top right corner neatly print the following, making substitutions as appropriate:

  Sally Rogers
HW 1 Due Jan 21, 2003
TAM 202
Section 13, Thursday at 10:10
TA: Jane Smith

b) STAPLE your homework in the top left corner.

c) At the top clearly acknowledge all help you got from TAs, Faculty, students, or ANY other source (but for lecture, text and section only). Examples could be "Mary Jones pointed out to me that I needed to draw the second FBD in problem 2." or "Nadia Chow showed me how to do problem 3 from start to finish." or "I basically copied this solution from a tau beta sigma frat file." etc. If your TA thinks you are taking too much from other sources he/she will tell you. In the mean time don't violate academic integrity rules by being unclear about what of your presentation you worked out on your own.

d) Every use of force or moment must be associated with a clear correct free body diagram.

e) Your vector notation must be clear and correct.

f) All computer output should have your name clearly visible, as printed by the computer (e.g., title plots with your name, put your name in a comment in the first line of any .m files, etc.)

g) Every line of every calculation must be dimensionally correct. (Carry your units.)

h) Your work should be laid out neatly enough to easily follow. Part of your job as an engineer is not just to get the right answer, but to communicate its justification clearly. So that is part of your job on homework as well.

i) Late or illegible work will not be graded.

Course grading

1. There are no evening prelims (despite what the registrar says).

2. There will be 7 quizzes in lecture (see Syllabus page for dates and coverage)

3. Each quiz will have 2 independent questions:

a) One that demonstrates minimal competence. The maximum score on this question is 7
b) One that tests the material for deeper understanding. Max score on this question is 10.

4. Each student will have 14 quiz scores + 2 scores which are each the homework average out of 10. The homework average will be calculated after leaving out the 2 worst homework grades. A student with all but 2 perfect homeworks will thus have 2 scores of 10 in his/her list of 16 quiz/hw grades.

5. A student's quiz/hw score for the semester is the average of their 6 best grades from the 16 above.

6. Total course grade:

15% lab
50% quiz/homework
35% final exam
1% bonus for completing electronic course evaluation

7. All quizzes and the final exam are closed book, no notes, no calculators. All writing and drawing tools are allowed as is food.

Stats for the class quiz performance can be found by running this Matlab file.