TAM Seminars for Fall 01 and Spring 02   

Advice and information for speakers.

Organizer:  Andy Ruina <ruina@cornell.edu>.
Logistics/lodging/re-imbursement/travel contact: Sreemati Mukherjee <sm138@cornell.edu>. Speaker's lunch with graduate students (no faculty) friday 12:15 in Thurston 204. Seminars on Fridays at 2:30 in Thurston 205 (unless otherwise posted). Refreshments after the seminar in Thurston 206. (Applied Math Seminars at 2:45 in Rhodes Hall) Contents of this page I. schedule II. speakers (with rough talk content and host information) III. results of survey of TAM faculty and students IV. schedule for 2002-2003 academic year %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I. Schedule (to aid in finding available dates) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2001-2002 1) Aug 31 Shalloway
2) Sep 7 Sharpe
3) 14 Schwab
4) 21 Healey
5) 28 Chaudhury
6) Oct 5 Guduru and Coker
7) 12 Sternad
8) 19 Stewart
9) 26 Goldstein (also doing physics on 29&30)
10) Nov 2 Henderson
11) 9 Burns
12) 16 Turner
13) 30 Fofana
14) Dec 7 Wei
15) Jan 25 Kennedy
16) Feb 1 Lipson
17) 8 Pollack
18) 15 Hayakawa
19) 21 Johnson (note, not friday Feb 22)
20) Mar 1 Bodenschatz (date flexible)
21) 8 Olson
22) 15 Tama's Kalma'r-Nagy
23) 29 Childress
24) Apr 5 Hui
25) 12 Dudley
26) 19 Huang
27) 26 Gomes (date flexible)
28) May 3 Calvo II.SPEAKERS (real and potential) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Hosts listed below are the people who
expressed initial interest in the speaker.
Already scheduled
Aug 31 David Shalloway, Cornell.
"Hierarchical free-energy global minimization for protein structure prediction" dis2@cornell.edu.
Host = Healey. Sept 7. Bill Sharpe, Hopkins, experimentalist, sharpe@jhu.edu "testing of MEMS materials" Host = Zehnder. Sept 14 Arend L. Schwab, Delft, in town Sept 13-16 "A Systematic Approach to the Dynamics of
Flexible Non-Holonomic Multibody Systems" A.L.Schwab@wbmt.tudelft.nl
host=ruina (staying at Ruina home) Sept 21 Tim Healey, TAM, Cornell
"recent stuff on chiral rods - plenty of symmetry there" Not avail Aug 31, September 14, Oct. 26. Otherwise free (so far). Host = Manoj Srinivasan. Sept 28 Manoj Chaudhury, Chemical engineering, lehigh. (Friction and adhesion). mkc4@lehigh.edu. Phone: 610-758-4471 "Guiding Liquid Drops on Surfaces using Chemical Gradient" Host= Hui Oct 5 Demir Coker and Pradeep R. Guduru (Dynamic Fracture) Pradeep_Guduru@Brown.EDU Box D, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912-D Host = Zehnder Oct 12
Dagmar Sternad, Penn State, biomechanics. dxs48@psu.edu "multi-joint movements with a model of dynamical systems as movement primitives, behavioral data, and fMRI data" Host = Coleman
Oct 19 Scott Stewart, Illinois. dss@uiuc.edu, Host = Healey
Oct 26 (not flexible) Ray Goldstein, Physics, U Arizona, biophysics,gold@physics.arizona.edu Also giving a Cornell Physics seminar the next monday Host = Jane Wang Nov 2 David Henderson, Cornell Math and education, dwh2@cornell.edu any Friday in late Sept thru Nov, EXCEPT Oct 5 and 12. something like "Educational Mathematics". Host=Burns November 9 Joe Burns, TAM Cornell, jab16 "orbital stability of some of satellites" Host = Ruina Nov 16 Kim Turner, Santa Barbara. turner@engineering.ucsb.edu MEMs Host=Healey Nov 30 Mustapha Fofana, WPI (cutting dynamics)
Wasburn Labs 311B
(508) 831-5966 (Voice)
(508) 831-5178 (Fax)
msfofana@wpi.edu Host = Zehnder Tim Wei, Dept. M.E., Rutgers Dynamics of structures interacting with fluids Dec 7 Host=Rand Jan 25 Kenneth Kennedy, Cornell "Applied Mechanics, the first few million years: Prehistoric Stone Tool Technology and its Affect upon Human Skeletal Anatomy" . Slides and real tool fragments. kak10@cornell.edu host = ruina Feb 1 Hod Lipson, Cornell MAE, (design, drawing robotics etc.),
lipson@cs.brandeis.edu, hlipson@mit.edu
Host = ruina.
Feb 8 Gerald H. Pollack, Ph.D, Bioengineering,
"Cells and Gels: Toward a Unifying Mechanism for Biological
Box 357962, University of Washington
Seattle WA 98195, 206/685-1880 FAX: 206/685-3300
Ghp@u.washington.edu. Host = Ruina (staying at Ruina home). Feb 15, Hisao Hayakawa, Kyoto University, Japan Micropolar Fluid Mechanics and its Application to Granular Flows Host = Burns

Feb 21, Thursday with MSC (note NOT Feb 22) Ken Johnson, Cambridge, (contact), klj1000@eng.cam.ac.uk
Possible dates Oct 5, 19, and Feb 8, 15.
Host = Hui. March 1 (date flexible Eberhard Bodenschatz eb22@cornell.edu Cornell Physics. eb22@cornell.edu
Tiny tracer particles in turbulent flows, and measured
The statistics of their accelerations, using detectors from particle physics (recording 70000 frames per second!). See Nature 409, 1017 (2001) (plus news and views on p.995). Free on most fridays.
Host = Strogatz
March 8 Wilma Olson, DNA
(732) 445-3993, (732) 445-4619
OLSON@RUTCHEM.RUTGERS.EDU host=Healey March 15, Tama's Kalma'r-Nagy , TAM PhD Jan 02. "From A to B. Or not to B? - A cheap solution to an optimal control problem" March 29 Steve Childress, Courant, fluids, biofluids, Antartica,flapping things. childress@cims.nyu.edu host = Jane Wang April 5
Herbert Hui (TAM, Cornell) Microcontact printing April 12 Robert Dudley, U Texas Austin, zoologist, insect stuff, r_dudley@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu Host = Jane Wang April 19 (flexible) Young Huang, Univ. of Illinois Urbanna Champaign Mechanics of Carbon Nanotubes Host = Zehnder April 26 Mario Gomes, TAM Cornell, (bracheation mechanics), mwg@aynjalut.tam.cornell.edu
Host = ruina
May 3 Rita Calvo, Cornell, rac7@cornell.edu From DNA to the Human Genome Project: A primmer for non-biologists. Host = Burns.
Accepted but Negotiating dates
Invited ^^^^^^^ Aris Rosakis, Caltech. (fracture experiments),rosakis@atlantis.caltech.eduHost = Zehnder. (reluctant to travel this fall)
Tom Witten, U of Chicago, paper folding or something else. witten@control.uchicago.edu host=Jane Wang

Manfred Lindau, AEP Cornell. biophysics, ml95@cornell.edu
Host = Jane Wang. Fathi Namouni, Princeton (celestial mech, 3 body problem),
Terry Alfriend, (space dynamics),iii-kyle-t-alfriend@tamu.edu Host = Burns.
Sunil Saigal, Carnegie Mellon Solid Mech Computational methods
saigal@andrew.cmu.edu Host = Mukherjee Jim Maden, Penn State Insect flight Jane Possibilities (not yet invited)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tony Keller, Chrmn. of Mec. E at Univ of Vt. on
biomechanics, space flight science, etc.
keller@emba.uvm.edu Host=Coleman Charles Williamson, MAE Cornell, (fluid visualization), cw26@cornell.edu
Host = Coleman.
Yi Choa Chen, chen@uh.edu, Texas. Host = Healey McNeil Alexander, Leeds, (biomechanics)
Host = ruina.
Sarah Billingon, C&EE Cornell, (materials failure),
Host = Burns.
Claire Farley, Colorado, (biomechanics), sb88@cornell.edu
Host = Coleman. Michael Dennis, Cornell, History, (history of computation), md11@cornell.edu host = Burns
Margaret Rossiter, Cornell History, (History of Women in Science)Host = Burns.
Mike Coleman, TAM Cornell, (biomechanics, robotics), coleman@tam.cornell.eduzb22@cornell.edu Host = Zhongping Bao

For 2002-2003 season (provisionally accepted invitation) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jim Papadopoulis, Wisconsin, "1) real problems you have dealt with that used your mechanics
expertise, 2) insights about the relation between academic mechanics
and the real world of practical mechanics" papadopoulos@alum.mit.edu, jimpapadopoulos@northernengraving.com
Needs another east coast trip to make affordable. Wants time to think on it.
Host = ruina David Mermin, Cornell, Physics, ndm4@cornell.edu
Comments about mechanics in relation to physics. Will think about it "No promises though."
Host = Burns.
Marty Dunn, U of Colorado (Fracture experiments and theory), Martin.Dunn@Colorado.EDU
Host = Hui. (will come in the fall of 2002) Rick Neptune, UT Austin Biomechanics & dynamics Host = ruina Doesn't want to/Can't give a TAM seminar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Don Conway, Cornell TAM, (perspectives on mechanics)
host = Coleman.
Michelle Wang, Cornell Physics (biophysicist),mdw17@cornell.edu
(couldn't make it last year,giving 4 other seminars at Cornell this year) host = Burns Marcel Clerc, Caltech w/ Marsden, marcel@cds.caltech.edu,marcelclerc@hotmail.com
Moved to Chile. Will contact us if back in the US some time.
Host = Cedric Youinou
III. SURVEY RESULTS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Items from grad and faculty survey:
Too much math (x3)
Pure theory
Too much technical details
Superficial flashing of curves
Dry solid mechanics talks
Big words
Computational mechanics (topic is ok, seminars are boring)
Math biology (models are too superficial or math too complicated)
Try to get more:
Seminars mandatory for grad students (x2)
Well presented material
Famous speakers
Physical or visual aids
Understandble abstracts before the talk
Build up a topic from the beginning
Brief introduction to the topic with the notations
Organized talks
More technical
Experiments (x3)
Industrial applications Engineering
Education Energy
Physics (x2)
Good mechanics related science
More math
Introductory math lectures on math topics we generally don't know
(e.g. Lie algebra)
Materials and composites
Solids (x3)
Nonlinear elasticity
Materials mechanical simulations and measurements
Theoretical study of defects (dislocations)
Materials science topics
Computational mechanics/FEA (x3) Nanotech or nano trib (x2)
Rational mechanics

Vehicle dynamics
Aeronautics NASA person, next generation shuttle.
Skiing, skating mechanics.
Rigid body mechanics (x2)
Robotics Kinematics Dynamics Nonlinear dynamics
Solar system mechanics
Uses of symmetry in physical problems
Use in mechanics of math skills learned in TAM classes
Nuclear reactor theory

Control Applications of optimal control

Spring 2001 survey on seminar times.
The questions:
%A. For this past year's seminar speakers: %
% %
% i) About how many seminars did you attend?: (answers below box) %
% %
% ii) About how many would you have attended had the same seminars %
% been Friday at 4:00?: %
% %
% iii) About how many would you have attended had the same seminars %
% been Friday at 2:30?: %
For the tabulation below I made some interpretations,
I turned "50%" into 7 and "more" and "less" into numbers that
I guessed were about right. Where people put a low friday attendance
only due to CAM conflicts I raised their numbers (because we won't have a CAM conflict). i ii iii
wed Friday
4:30 4:00 2:30
Cady 5 4 10
Burns 12 12 12
Chavez 4.5 4.5 6 CAM conflict, travel sometimes fridays
Rosakis 10 2 4
Wang 11 11 7
Strogatz 6 6 6 CAM conflict
Guckenheimer CAM conflict
Phoenix 7 5 9 weekend travel, day care pickups
Rand 13 0 13 tired at end of day
Sachse 13 2 4 conflict with his research group meeting
Mukherjee 7 12 12
Hui 6 8 5 doesn't like cutting up the day
jenkins 5 3 3 about fridays: "try it"
ruina 12 12 12 likes friday seminars

Coleman 13 7 7 travels weekends
Cedric 12 12 12 (assuming no conflict)
Gomes 14 14 14
Russel 10 7 14 On Wed homework is an excuse to skip seminars
Bao 6 3 6
Nagy 10 7 9
Earl 2 10 10
Shih 8 0 0
Cabrera 14 14 14 (assuming no conflict)
Srinivasan 14 14 14
Kalkarni 6 6 6
Youinou 8 13 14 wed sometimes had office hours conflict
Ballester 4 4 4
Stubna 10 10 10
Glassmaker 13 6 8 friday is controversial, thinks attendence will suffer
Sivasambu 14 14 0 (conflict?)
Bhalla 7 7 7
Liang 2 7 3
Kulkarni 13 13 13
Ng 9 9 9
Sharma 11 11 6
Ganguly 12 12 12
Potdar 9 9 9
Barratt 3 6 0
Zou 6 7 7
Wang 1 0 0
Sharma 12 12 12 (if no conflict) Of the 43 or so who responded to the survey with quantifiable information
the average attendance at seminars this spring was or would have been (supposedly)
Wed 4:30: 25.3 people per seminar (ave over the semester)
Friday 4:00 22.5 people per seminar
Friday 2:30 23.1 people per seminar
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2002-2003 schedule:
1. aug 30
2. sep 6
3. sep 13
4. sep 20
5. sep 27
6. oct 4
7. oct 11
8. oct 18
9. oct 25
10. nov 1
11. nov 8
12. nov 15
13. nov 22
14. dec 6 (last day of classes)

15. jan 24
16. jan 31
17. feb 7
18. feb 14
19. feb 21
20. feb 28
21. mar 7
22. mar 14
23. mar 28
24. apr 4
25. apr 11
26. apr 18
27. apr 25
28. may 2 (last day of classes)