

Video compression tricks (e.g., for recording class)

Y1 - TinkerToy Walker With Pants

Domonstrations of walker on its ramp (side and front view), Youtube, Download: Low (4.2MB) High (10.3MB)
Demonstration on flat board (0.33 min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.3MB) High (5.3MB)
On ramp again (front view) (2.28 min), Youtube, Download: Low (10.2MB) High (24.9MB)
Angled view of small tinker toy on ramp (0.17 min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.2MB) High (3MB)
Same tinker toy walker on slanted board (0.38 min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.6MB), High (6.6MB)

Y2 - Raw footage of Tinkertoy Walker

TinkerToy walker many trials (36.29 min), Youtube, Download: Low (122.5MB), High (363MB)
0:00 – 0:50 Intro by Mike, with Tom Hwang and Mariano Garcia
0:50 – 10:54 Hwang’s Design demonstration
10:54 – 11:03 Title screen
11:03 – 11:58 Adds board behind demonstration black screen
22:30 – 28:05 Adds paper on ramp to help demonstration
28:05 – 29:30 Increase slope by adding two washers and two nuts
29:30 – 36:29 Test again.

Y3 - Tinkertoy Walker Highlights

Four Successful Demonstrations (0.53 min), Youtube, Download: Low (3.4MB), High (8.7MB)

Y4 - Passive Dynamic Walking

Wooden Walker (7.58 min), Youtube, Download: Low (28.4MB) High (76.6MB)
0:00 – 1:28 Overall explanation of passive motion
1:28 – 2:21 Demonstration of various slopes
2:21 – 4:26 New design explanation
4:26 – 5:00 Domonstration in lab
5:00 – 7:51 Outside demonstration
Wooden Walker (1.05.40 min), Youtube, Download: Low (233.6MB) High (619.5MB)
7:51 – 8:22 Producers names
8:22 – 11:58 Explanation with clips from other walkers and diagrams
11:58 – 12:32 Lab demonstration
12:32 – 14:40 Explanation
14:40 – 15:36 Demonstration in lab, show heel-striking problem
15:36 – 20:01 Discussion of solutions to heel-striking
20:01 – 21:30 Computer simulation
21:30 – 21:50 3rd walker, includes new feet
21:50 – 22:08 Demonstration in lab on 3rd walker
22:08 – 25:06 Demonstration and discussion of scuffing (outer feet)
25:06 – 26:09 Lab demonstration
26:09 – 36:00 Foot scuffing problem discussed with diagrams
36:00 – 39:41 Walker 4, new (Weeble) design
39:41 – 43:09 Lab demonstration and outdoor walking, walker 4
43:09 – 1:13:58 Video appendix (notes on walker 4)
Tad McGeer Passive Walkers (15.29 min), Low (56.1MB) High (159.5MB)
1:13:58 – 1:29:19 Passive dyamic walking (1990 excerpt) includes discussion of Leverted Isontonic Tendons for Human Emulation Done by: Keith Antonelli, Martyn Billing, Duayne Brandt, Kan Longjlang, Tad McGeer, Troy Yee
1:29:19 – 1:29:35 Producers names

Y5 - Testing Passive Dynamic Walker at Cornell - Summer 95

Testing forward motion down incline ramp (03.29 min), Youtube, Download: Low (14.0MB) High (33.1MB)
Testing buckling and bouncing (15.02 min), Youtube, Download: Low (56.4MB) High (149.5MB)
Testing buckling and bouncing 2 (14.36 min), Youtube, Download: Low (56.5MB) High (138,2MB)
Testing buckling and bouncing with rubber rings (15.05 min), Youtube, Download: Low (54.1MB) High (144.3MB)
Testing new valve on walker (13.45 min), Youtube, Download: Low (54.5MB) High (132.6MB)
Testing of new design (25.31 min), Youtube, Download: Low (86.5MB) High (263.5MB)
Walker goes length of ramp by itself (34.25 min), Youtube, Download: Low (119MB) High (329.3MB)

Y6 - Passive Dynamic Walker Experiments - Fall 95

Kneed walker demonstration (10.51 min), Youtube, Download: Low (38.0MB) High (5.2MB)
Demonstration of walker with new slope (1.14 min), Youtube, Download: Low (104.2MB) High (12.2MB)

Y7 - Seminar – Various Types of Walker Designs - Feb 97

Clumsy powered robot (0.2min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.5MB) High (3.3MB)
Dinesh Pai walking simulation (1.07min), Youtube, Download: Low (4.7MB) High (11.2MB)
McGeer Kneed Walker (0.12min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.89MB) High (2MB)
McGeer Straight Legged Walker (0.08min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.56MB) High (1.4MB)
Wooden Straight Legged Walker (0.48 min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.9MB) High (7.7MB)
McGeerKneed Walker (0.08 min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.56) High (1.4MB)
Lab Kneed Walker (0.27min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.9MB) High (4.5MB)
2D Rimless Wheel Simulation (0.12), Youtube, Download: Low (0.84MB) High (2.0MB)
3D Rimless Wheel Simulation (0.27), Youtube, Download: Low (1.8MB) High (4.4MB)
TinkerToyWalker with Pants (1.04 min), Youtube, Download: Low (4.1MB) High (10.8MB)

Y8 - Ano’s Walker Talks: Presentation

Garcia's Talks: Passive Dynamic Locomotion, Tad McGeer (1.02.11min), Download: Low (225MB) High (649MB)
0:00 – 5:00 Introduction: motivation, previous work, McGeer’s question, research program, evolution of “walking-like” mechanisms
5:00 – 20:28 Video of various walker demonstrations (taken from Passive Dynamic walking, 1990)
20:28 – 1:02:00 Discussion of modeling Kneed Walker: assumptions, diagrams, graphs, walker dof, 326 review, state space, applications, begin discussion of mapping (includes comments by Mike Coleman)
Garcia's Talks: Part 2 (52.37min), Youtube, Download: Low (196MB) High (544MB)
1:02:00 – 1:52:50 Continued presentation: mapping, poincare maps, finding 1-cycles, determining stability, “The Big Picture” (graph and diagram), angle definition, data output, angle plots, angular velocity plots, “McGeer’s angles”

Y9 - Yan’s 2D Kneed McGeer Walker

Demonstration in lab (4.01min), Youtube, Download: Low (15.4MB) High (40.3MB)
Yan’s demonstration, started 2/27/98, slope is 2.45 degrees (10.12min), Youtube, Download: Low (34.1MB) High (105.6MB)

Y10 - Martyn’s Kneed 2-Legged Walker, Unsuccessful Trials #1

Martyn Walker Trials 1 (15.47min), Youtube, Download: Low (56.3MB) High (162.7MB)
Martyn Walker Trials 2 (5.57min), Youtube, Download: Low (21.2MB) High (60.8MB)
Martyn Walker Trials 3 (21.25min), Youtube, Download: Low (73.8MB) High (218MB)
Martyn Walker Trials 4 (1.15.44min), Youtube , Download: Low (255.6MB) High (766.2MB)
Martyn Walker Trials 5 (1.58min), Youtube, Download: Low (7.5MB) High (18.7MB)

Y11 - Martyn’s Kneed 2-Legged Walker, Unsuccessful Trials #2

Martyn Walker Trials(27.47min), Youtube, Download: Low (102MB) High (279.5MB)
0:00 – 5:45 Martyn tests
5:45 – 6:45 Discussion of symmetry
6:45 – 12:30 More tests
12:30 – 14:15 Discussion of wearing of rubber on feet
14:15 – 15:25 More tests
15:25 – 23:10 Measuring tilt on ramp
23:10 – 25:55 More tests
25:55 – 27:48 Test on ramp with measurements
Mieke Walks on ramp (10.54min), Youtube, Download: Low (3.7MB) High (9MB)
Martyn Walker Trials 7 (1.23min), Youtube, Download: Low (5.8MB) High (13.2MB)
Mieke Walks on ramp 2 (6.49min), Youtube, Download: Low (24.1MB) High (67.1MB)
Mieke Walks on ramp 3 (3.20min), Youtube, Download: Low (12.8MB) High (31.7MB)
Hanging Walker (1.23min), Youtube, Download: Low (5.7MB) High (13.7MB)
Martyn Trials 8 (20.00min), Youtube, Low (72.1MB) High (203.8MB)
41:56 – 51:00 More tests of walker
51:00 – 51:30 Foot adjustment
51:30 – 59:35 4-legged walker
59:35 – 1:02:00 View of foot bottom
Martyn Trials 9 (38.39min), Youtube, Download: Low (134.4MB) High (392.3MB)
1:02:00 – 1:03:00 Closer examination of foot piece
1:03:00 – 1:10:00 Adjust ramp and test 2-legged walker
1:10:00 – 1:12:35 Fixing walker
1:12:35 – 1:20:45 More tests of 2-legged walker
1:20:45 – 1:22:55 Check foot weight and fix
1:22:55 – 1:26:25 More tests
1:26:25 – 1:28:28 Break, fix walker
Powered RimlessWheel (4.40min), Youtube, Download: Low (17.9MB) High (47.5MB)

Y12 - PDW Demo Clips/McGeer PDW Copy MASTER

Various 4-legged walker demonstrations at various slopes (not in our lab) (0.41min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.8MB) High (7MB)
Wooden walker demonstrations (outside and inside) (0.38min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.6MB) High (6.4MB)
McGeer demonstrations (0.26min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.8MB) High (4.4MB)
4-legged in HP lab at Cornell (0.30min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.1MB) High (5.1MB)
Computer simulation of 2-legged walker (0.40min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.7MB) High (6.8MB)
McGeer, walking toys, description of PDW, shows various designs and demonstrations, explanations with graphs, pictures, computer simulations (16.04min), Youtube, Download: Low (59MB) High (160.5MB)

Y13 - PDW Demo Tape (~6 min) – Rimless Wheel sim, Pointfoot sim, 2 kneed sims, McGeer Straight leg, straight leg (LKR), McGeer kneed, our kneed

Simulation Passive Rimless, St Legged and Kneed Walkers (3.13min), Youtube, Download: Low (11MB) High (31.9MB)
McGeer St Legged Walker (0.48min), Youtube, Download: Low (3.3MB) High (8MB)
Lab Wooden St Legged Walker (2.09min), Youtube, Download: Low (9.1MB) High (21MB)
McGeer Kneed Walker (0.49min), Youtube, Download: Low (3.4MB) High (8.3MB)
Lab Kneed Walker (1.34min), Youtube, Download: Low (6.2MB) High (15.3MB)
Simulation of Kneed Walker (0.23min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.7MB) High (3.9MB)

Y14 - Simulation and Control of Human-like Walking Dinesh K. Pai

Dinesh Pai's Simulation (4.48min), Youtube, Download: Low (18.8MB) High (46.9MB)

Y15 - Martyn’s Walker

Martyn Kneed Walker (2.34min), Youtube, Download: Low (9.3MB) High (25.1MB)
0:00 – 0:15 Demo on ramp
0:15 – 0:24 Close view of footing
0:24 – 0:50 Top view
0:50 – 1:53 side view with measurements

Martyn Kneed Walker (1.08.39min), Youtube, Download: Low (224.2MB) High (683.8MB)
1:53 – 8:15 Mike tests Martyn’s walker
8:15 – 12:05 Martyn tests (walker wears shorts)
12:05 – 13:36 change shorts on walker
13:36 – 15:10 Mike tests
15:10 – 22:20 Martyn tests
22:20 – 55:48 Mike tests
55:48 – 57:50 look at scuffing (Mike and Martyn)
57:50 – 1:03:57 Martyn tests
1:03:57 – 1:04:42 fix footing
1:04:42 – 1:12:19 Martyn tests
1:12:19 – 1:15:40 Mike tests

Y16 - McGeer Kneed Walker, Our Kneed walker, Tinkertoy walker 1 & 2

McGeer Kneed (0.07min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.61MB) High (1.3MB)
Lab Kneed (0.07min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.56MB) High (1.2MB)
Lab Kneed (0.16min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.3MB) High (2.8MB)
TinkerToy Walker (0.12min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.9MB) High (2.1MB)
TinkerToy Walker (0.12min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.88MB) High (2.1MB)

Y17 - TAM seminar Today (12/9/98)

Yan’s walker (0.10min), Youtube, Download:, Download: Low (0.78MB) High (1.8MB)
TinkerToy (0.14min), Youtube, Download: Low (1MB) High (2.5MB)
Martyn Kneed Successful Launch (0.09min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.69MB) High (1.6MB)
Mieke Walks (0.07min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.65MB) High (1.2MB)

Y18 - Source Videos for “Collins, Wisse, Ruina Paper” – made 6/11/01 – 6/13/01 by Mike Coleman Has penguin toy, tinker toy, and 4-legged walker

Tinker Toy Straight Down Ramp Trail (10.15min), Youtube, Download: Low (37.7MB) High (97.8MB)
Penguin Walks Straight Down Ramp (11.50min), Youtube, Download: Low (45.1MB) High (112.7MB)
Penguin Walks Straight Down Ramp Trail 2 (33.17min), Youtube, Download: Low (124.6MB) High (340MB)
Successful Tinnker Toy Down Ramp (26.57min), Youtube, Download: Low (101.1MB) High (272MB)
Sucessful Four-legged, Kneed Walker on the Ramp (4.49min), Youtube, Download: Low (16.9MB) High (49.8MB)
Tinker Toy Go Straight Trail (16.23min), Youtube , Download: Low (60.4MB) High (162.6MB)
Four Legged, Kneed Walker (1.40min), Youtube, Download: Low (6.1MB) High (17MB)
Brachiating Rimless Wheel (2.18min), Youtube, Download: Low (9.4MB) High (22.9MB)
Penguin Walks Down Ramp (14.15min), Youtube, Download: Low (55.1MB) High (135.6MB)

Y19 - Passive Dynamic/Brachiation

Brachiation (3.09min), Youtube, Download: Low (11.8MB) High (31MB)
0:00 – 0:44 Monkey swinging across bars in cage
0:44 – 1:55 various computer simulations of swinging motions
1:56 – 2:12 head-over-heels brachiator
2:13 – 3:02 swinging brachiator, then same one upside down
3:03 – 3:17 computer simulation of rowing motion
Rowing Simulation (0.17min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.2MB) High (2.9MB)
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” A. Einstein (1.35min), Youtube, Download: Low (6.5MB) High (15.9MB)

Y20 - Passive Dynamic Walking

Lab Passive Walkers (2.49min), Youtube, Download: Low (11.2MB) High (26.8MB)
0:00 – 0:14 Penguin toy walking down a ramp
0:15 – 0:30 Four-legged kneed walker going down ramp
0:31 – 0:44 Two-legged, armless kneed walker going down ramp
0:45 – 1:15 2 runs of two-legged, swinging arm kneed walker going down ramp
1:16 – 1:45 2 runs of swinging arm walker again, but from behind
1:46 – 2:11 Demo of motion of swinging arm walker
2:12 – 2:49 Two different tinker toys going down a ramp

Y21 - Passive Dynamic Walking

Lab Walkers (0.44min), Youtube, Download: Low (3.2MB) High (7.4MB)
0:07 – 0:16 4-legged walker going down ramp
0:17 – 0:30 Tinker toy going down ramp
0:31 – 0:39 2-legged, armless kneed walker going down ramp
0:40 – 0:46 2-legged, kneed walker with swinging arms going down ramp
0:47 – 0:52 Mieke going down ramp

Y22 - Passive Dynamic Walking Robots

Lab Walkers (2.22min), Youtube, Download: Low (9.2MB) High (23.9MB)
0:00 – 0:06 Title screen
0:07 – 0:18 Penguin walking down ramp
0:19 – 0:28 4-legged walker going down ramp
0:29 – 0:40 Another 4-legged walker going down ramp
0:41 – 0:53 Tinker toy going down ramp
0:54 – 1:13 Tinker toy with bigger arms going down ramp
1:14 – 1:23 2-legged, armless kneed walker going down ramp
1:24 – 1:51 2-legged kneed walker with swinging arms going down ramp – 2 RUNS
1:52 – 2:17 Same 2-legged walker arms going down ramp from behind – 2 RUNS
2:18 – 2:22 Mieke going down ramp

Y25 - Passive Walker Tape 1 6-24-2003

CarbonFiber Walker (2.03.16min), Youtube, Download: Low (434.8MB) High (1250MB)

Y26 - Passive Dynamic Walker Tape 2 7-2-2003

CarbonFiber Walker (12.10min), Youtube, Download: Low (45.7MB) High (122MB)

Y27 - Jerry’s Walker Tape 2004

CarbonFiber Walker (13.15min), Youtube, Download: Low (45.8MB) High (131.4MB)
CarbonFiber Walker (1.58min), Youtube, Download: Low (6.8MB) High (19.7MB)
CarbonFiber Walker (21.23min), Youtube, Download: Low (69MB) High (214.6MB)

Y28 - Steve’s Walker Summer 2003 - Tape 3

Adjusting minimally powered walker (17.18min), Youtube, Download: Low (58.7MB) High (177.5MB)
Close up of Hip and Ankle Joints Motion (5.27min), Youtube, Download: Low (19.4MB) High (55.7MB)
Walker Down Ramp (1.40.18min), Youtube, Download: Low (337.5MB) High (1000.5MB)

Y29 - Summer 2003 – J. Walker – Tape 4

Steve's Powered Walker (2.00.36min), Youtube, Download: Low (403.4MB) High (1220MB)
Euler's disk (2.34min), Youtube, Download: Low (9.1MB) High (24MB)

Y30 - Summer 2003 – Powered Walker – Tape 6

Steve's Powered Walker Down Ramp(1.23.00min), Youtube, Download: Low (281.2MB) High (863.3MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (23.30min), Youtube, Download: Low (89.8MB) High (239.6MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (16.32min), Youtube, Download: Low (60.2MB) High (170.6MB)

Y31 - Powered Walker Summer 2003 - Tape 7

Steve's Powered Walker (31.49min), Youtube, Download: Low (110MB) High (302.2MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (17.17min), Youtube, Download: Low (58.1MB) High (165.8MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (30.13min), Youtube, Download: Low (99.5MB) High (304.8MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (43.27min), Youtube, Download: Low (151.5MB) High (436.7MB)

Y32 - Powered Walker Summer - Tape 8

Close Up of Feet of Powered Walker Down Ramp (0.38min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.4MB) High (6.3MB)
Steve's Powered Walker Ramp (0.41min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.8MB) High (6.9MB)
Steve's Powered Walker Ramp (23.56min), Youtube, Download: Low (82.6MB) High (225.9MB)
Steve's Powered Walker Down Ramp (21.38min), Youtube, Download: Low (73.9MB) High (218.9MB)
Steve's Powered Walker Down Ramp (14.56min), Youtube, Download: Low (52.6MB) High (150.5MB)
Steve's Powered Walker Down Ramp (59.42min), Youtube, Download: Low (206.4MB) High (579.4MB)

Y33 - Powered Walker - Tape 9

Steve's Powered Walker Close Up of Feet(4.27min), Youtube, Download: Low (14.7MB) High (45.2MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (11.43min), Youtube, Download: Low (39.5MB) High (116.1MB)
Steve's Powered Walker Successful Trail(1.46.41min), Youtube, Download: Low (362.4MB) High (1040MB)

Y34 - Walking Robot Summer 2003 - Tape 10

Steve's Powered Walker (2.03.10min), Youtube, Download: Low (412.8MB) High (1220MB)
0:00 – 7:41 Trying to get powered robot to walk on the ramp
7:42 – 26:40 Trying to get robot to walk in the hallway
26:41 – 1:22:02 Tring to get it to walk on the ramp again
1:22:03 – 1:25:10 Close up of feet while walking on ramp
1:25:11 – 2:03:06 Trying to get robot to walk on the ramp with camera at end. (Successful walk at 1:32:28, 1:38:50 1:49:45, 2:02:35)

Y35 - Walking Robot Summer 2003 Tape 11

Steve's Powered Walker Down Ramp and Hallway(25.59min), Youtube, Download: Low (85.5MB) High (242.9MB)
Steve's Powered Walker Down Ramp and Hallway(1.36.57min), Youtube, Download: Low (337.2MB) High (951.4MB)

Y36 - Walking Robot Tape 12

Steve's Powered Walker (19.21min), Youtube, Download: Low (72.6MB) High (186.2MB)

Y37 - Walker Summer 2003

Powered Straight Leg Walker (0.36min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.5MB) High (5.9MB)
Powered Straight Leg Walker (0.19min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.4MB) High (3.2MB)
Powered Straight Leg Walker (2.33min), Youtube, Download: Low (9.2MB) High (25.6MB)
Powered Straight Leg Walker (3.30min), Youtube, Download: Low (13.1MB) High (34.9MB)
Powered Straight Leg Walker (54.40min), Youtube, Download: Low (195.5MB) High (541.6MB)
Powered Straight Leg Walker (22.48min), Youtube, Download: Low (75.5MB) High (215.9MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (37.56min), Youtube, Download: Low (126.3MB) High (393.5MB)

Y38 - Minimally Powered Walker Summer 2003 Tape 1

Steve's 2 Legged Powered Walker Down Flatboard (20.43min), Youtube, Download: Low (70.4MB) High (196MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (29.47min), Youtube, Download: Low (103.6MB) High (274.2MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (1.33min), Youtube, Download: Low (5.7MB) High (15.3MB)

Y39 - Minimally Powered Walker 6/23/2003 Tape 2

Steve's Powered Walker (1.46min), Youtube, Download: Low (6.6MB) High (16.9MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (6.13min), Youtube, Download: Low (22.3MB) High (62.8MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (17.34min), Youtube, Download: Low (60MB) High (177.7MB)
Steve's Powered Walker (43.05min), Youtube, Download: Low (146.1MB) High (447.4MB)
Carbon Fiber Walker (45.10min), Youtube, Download: Low (144 MB) High (462.1MB)
Carbon Fiber Walker (8.24min), Youtube, Download: Low (28.1MB) High (78.2MB)

Y40 - Minimally Powered Walker and 3D walker 1 early arms

Steve's Powered Walker (1.22.14min), Youtube, Download: Low (290.1MB) High (779.2MB)
Martyn's Passive Walker with Arms (40.48min), Youtube, Download: Low (150.6MB) High (417MB)

Y41 - 3D Walker 2 – Arms

Martyn's Passive Walker with Arms (1.57.40min), Youtube, Download: Low (417.4MB) High (1130MB)
0:00 – 0:15 Showing a close up of the 2-legged powerless walker with arms (3D walker) from bottom to top
0:16 – 1:15:52 Setting up and then trying to get the walker to walk down the ramp. Lot of time spent tweaking the walker
1:15:53 – 1:16:06 One successful run down the ramp
1:16:07 – 1:57:37 More trying to get walker to go down ramp and lots of tweaking

Y42 - 3D Walker 3 with Loose Arms

Martyn's Passive Walker with Arms (12.08min), Youtube, Download: Low (40.3MB) High (122MB)
Martyn's Passive Walker with Arms (4.47min), Youtube, Download: Low (17MB) High (45.1MB)
Martyn's Passive Walker with Arms (39.08min), Youtube, Download: Low (138.7MB) High (391.5MB)
Martyn's Passive Walker with Arms (26.14min), Youtube, Download: Low (87.8MB) High (267.2MB)
Martyn's Passive Walker with Arms (38.35min), Youtube, Download: Low (133.4MB) High (384.8MB)

Y43 - Carmel’s Swinging Simulation - Master

Pumping a swing simulation (0.32min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.9MB) High (5.5MB)

Y44 - Mario’s Brachiation - Master

Brachiation videos and simulation (2.04min), Youtube, Download: Low (6.4MB) High (20.8MB)
0:00 – 0:49 Monkey swinging across a cage several times
0:50 – 1:54 Computer simulations of several different swinging motions
1:55 – 2:07 Money swinging across a cage

Y45 - Passive Dynamic Walking Demo Clips

Various Passive Dynamic Walkers (HPLab and McGeer's) (2.56min), Youtube, Download: Low (11.6MB) High (28.7MB)
0:10-0:50 McGeer walker with retractable feet going down various slopes (1-2%)
0:51-1:10 Wooden walker with telescoping/anti-scuffing mechanism going down ramp
1:11-1:28 Wooden walker going down sidewalk
1:29-1:54 McGeer 4-legged walker going down various slopes (4-4.75%)
1:55-2:25 HP Lab McGeer copy going down ramp
2:26-2:42 Quicktime movie of computer simulation
2:43-3:01 Computer simulation: moving legs displayed on x and y axis
3:02-3:12 Computer simulation: various graphs plotted on same axes

Y46 - Andy Ruina’s TAM Dept. Seminar Tape—McGeer, clips, animations, lab demos, and Tinkertoys

Passive Dynamic Walkers Medley (6.03min), Youtube, Download: Low (22.7MB) High (62.2MB)
0:15-0:37 Early footage of old ASIMO model walking across a ramp
0:38-0:42 Blank Screen
0:43-0:53 Title Screen—Simulation and Control of Human-like Walking by Dinesh K. Pai
0:54-1:54 Computer simulation: 3D animation of walker traversing an infinite plane
1:53-1:58 Blank Screen
1:59-2:14 McGeer 4-legged walker going down ramp at 4.75%
2:15-2:17 Blank Screen
2:18-2:28 McGeer walker with retractable feet going down ramp
2:29-2:42 Blank Screen
2:43-3:10 Wooden walker with telescoping/anti-scuff mechanism going down sidewalk
3:11-3:15 Blank Screen
3:16-3:34 Wooden walker with telescoping mechanism going down ramp
3:35-3:38 Blank Screen
3:39-3:49 McGeer 4-legged walker going down slope at 4.5%
3:50-3:53 Blank Screen
3:54-4:23 HP Lab McGeer copy going down ramp
4:24-4:40 Computer simulation: wheel rolling straight across plane
4:41-4:42 Blank Screen
4:43-5:11 Computer simulation: wheel rolling in a curved (seems random) path across plane
5:12-5:24 Tinkertoy walker going down ramp
5:25-5:29 Blank Screen
5:30-6:20 Tinkertoy walker shown in slow motion, going down ramp (extremely jittery video)

Y47 - Tinkertoy Highlights July/August 1997

TinkerToy Walker (1.35min), Youtube, Download: Low (6.1MB) High (15.1MB)
TinkerToy Walker (0.09min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.69MB) High (1.6MB)

Y48 - HP Lab Walking Clips (PAL)

Falling and Walking - Audio Only (4.33min), Youtube, Download: Low (11.3MB) High (11.3MB)

B1 - The Hercules Constrained Power

Hercules Constrained Power Rowing (5.08min), Youtube, Download: Low (19MB) High (49.9MB)
0:00 – 1:13 Intro to Hercules (commercial)
Blue Screen
1:19 – 2:17 Demo-views of different parts
Blue Screen
2:26 – 2:53 View of gears on motion
2:53 – 3:40 Demo of circular motion
3:40 – 4:59 Flywheel
Nov. 13, 1995 demo (Andy) (5.08min), Youtube, Download: Low (19.2MB) High (50.8MB)
Hercules Constrained Power Rowing (10.45min), Youtube, Download: Low (39.8MB) High (105.3MB)
10:21 – 15:40 Nov. 27, 1995 demo (Andy), Power tests
15:40 – 19:35 More power tests
19:35 – 21:07 Andy again

B2 - Hercules, The Ultimate CRM Summer 1993

Hercules Constrained Power2 (2.43min), Youtube, Download: Low (10.8MB) High (27MB)
Hercules Constrained Power2 (1.50min), Youtube, Download: Low (7.1MB) High (17.2MB)
Hercules Constrained Power2 (1.05min), Youtube, Download: Low (4.5MB) High (10.6MB)
Hercules Constrained Power2 - The machine (22.00min), Youtube, Download: Low (76.5MB) High (212.3MB)
Hercules Constrained Power2 (3.21min), Youtube, Download: Low (12.5MB) High (33.6MB)

B3 - HP Project for Andy

Rowing Research (6.45min), Youtube, Download: Low (23.8MB) High (66.4MB)
Rowing Research (16.34min), Youtube, Download: Low (58.2MB) High (163.2MB)

B4 - HP Project for Andy

Rowing Research (3.30min), Youtube, Download: Low (12.4MB) High (33.8MB)

B5 - Rowing Fall 1991

Rowing - Balancing in Tanks (14.14min), Youtube, Download: Low (51.6MB) High (142.1MB)
Rowing - Balancing in Tanks (59.03min), Youtube, Download: Low (202.3MB) High (582.6MB)

B7 - Robust Rowing – 6/27/02

Rowing Ergometer (9.50min), Youtube, Download: Low (35.3MB) High (94.9MB)
00:00 – 2:40 Explanation of rowing project
2:41 – 7:21 Explanation of design
7:22 – 9:50 Example of machine in action

B8 - Robust Rower – 7/12/02

Example of the rowing machine in motion (0.55min), Youtube, Download: Low (3MB) High (9.3MB)

B9 - Modified Rowing Ergometer – 5/10/2004

Rowing Ergometer Demo (2.15min), Youtube, Download: Low (8.2MB) High (22MB)

B10 - Rowing Erg – Andy Wolff

Rowing Ergometer Demo (11.16min), Youtube, Download: Low (43.1MB) High (105.7MB)

B11 - HP Lab Master

Rowing Ergometer (40.46min), Youtube, Download: Low (154.6MB) High (424.3MB)
0:00 – 1:54 Intro, Andy (Cornell and Engineering Quad, TAM, Machine Shop)
1:54 – 2:55 Rowing
2:55 – 17:04 Bicycles
Blue Screen
17:22 – 21:00 Rowing demo in lab
21:00 – 40:43 Engineering Program - rowing

B12 - HP Lab Master

Biking and Rowing (20.56min), Youtube, Download: Low (76.5MB) High (203.1MB)
Rowing Research (9.50min), Youtube, Download: Low (38.6MB) High (97.9MB)

B13 - LAB

Rowing Competition Penn Vs. Cornell, Better Engr. - Dec 1991 (14.02min), Youtube, Download: Low (52.5MB) High (138.9MB)
Rowing Discussion (41.02min), Youtube, Download: Low (138.7MB) High (404.6MB)

G1 - Droppin’ Pencils 203 8/5/92

Dropping Pencil (0.47min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.9MB) High (7.8MB)
Dropping Pencil with Weights (0.40min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.7MB) High (6.8MB)
Constrained Pedaling (5.13min), Youtube, Download: Low (19.8MB) High (52.3MB)
Constrained Pedaling (1.13min), Youtube, Download: Low (4.8MB) High (11.9MB)
Constrained Pedaling (2.03min), Youtube, Download: Low (8.1MB) High (19.6MB)
Constrained Pedaling (3.41min), Youtube, Download: Low (13.9MB) High (37.1MB)
Constrained Pedaling (5.47min), Youtube, Download: Low (22.6MB) High (59.8MB)
Constrained Pedaling (0.55min), Youtube, Download: Low (3.6MB) High (9.1MB)

G2 - Triple Pendulum 4/1995

Triple Pendulum (14.26min), Youtube, Download: Low (47.3MB) High (142.9MB)

G3 - Avalanche (Chatterjee/Ruina) 1999

Simulation of Avalanche (2.59min), Youtube, Download: Low (11.1MB) High (30MB)

O1 - Bicycle Stability Model; 3D Rimless Wheel

Bicycle Stability and Rimless Wheel Simulation (0.46min), Youtube, Download: Low (2.5MB) High (6.1MB)

O2 - Don Trollope’s Gyro-Bicycle December 1998

Don Trollope's Gyro-Bike (2.01min), Youtube, Download: Low (8.3MB) High (20.1MB)
0:00 – 0:45 Gyro-bicycle description and demonstration (a few trials)
(successful trail at 0:42)
0:45 – 2:06 Explanation of how it works (zoom view, top view, front view, side view)

O3 - Bicycle and Wheel Stability Demo - Master

Bike Stability (Short Version) (1.19min), Youtube, Download: Low (4.8MB) High (12.6MB)
0:00 - 0:18 Spinning a bicycle wheel 0:19 – 0:30 Rolling a bicycle wheel slow and unstable 0:31 – 0:38 Rolling a bicycle wheel fast and stable 0:39 – 0:52 Rolling a bicycle wheel fast and unstable 0:53 – 1:03 Rolling a bicycle fast and stable 1:04 – 1:22 Rolling a bicycle fast and unstable

O4 - Bicycle and Wheel Stability (Raw Footage—Best Quality)

Bike Stability (Long Version) (7.07min), Youtube, Download: Low (23.2MB) High (71.5MB)
0:00 – 0:37 Spinning a bicycle wheel
0:38 – 1:10 Rolling a bicycle wheel fast and stable
1:11 – 1:31 Rolling a bicycle wheel fast and unstable
1:32 – 2:05 Spinning a bicycle wheel slow and unstable
2:06 – 2:24 Spinning a bicycle wheel fast and unstable
2:25 – 2:45 Spinning a bicycle wheel slow and unstable
2:46 – 3:31 Rolling a bicycle wheel fast and stable, across parking lot
3:32 – 4:26 Rolling a bicycle wheel slow and stable, across parking lot. Rolls wheel back medium speed and unstable
4:27 – 4:48 Rolling a bicycle wheel fast and stably, across parking lot
4:49 – 5:31 Rolling a bicycle wheel fast and unstably, across parking lot. Brings wheel back behind camera
5:32 – 5:57 Again, rolling a bicycle wheel fast and unstably, across parking lot. Brings wheel back behind camera
5:58 – 6:27 Steve spots an attractive woman, cameraman zooms in on her
6:28 – 6:59 Rolling a bicycle wheel medium speed and unstably, across parking lot
7:00 – 7:14 Rolling a bicycle wheel fast and unstably, across parking lot


1. MIT Leg Lab (10.56min), Low (39.1MB) High (110.5MB)


1. MIT Spring Flamingo (7.52min), Low (27.6MB) High (77.8MB)


1. Bikes! Art, Elegance and Engineering (8.53min), Low (35.7MB) High (90.5MB)


1. Ithaca College - Biomechanics (31.27min), Low (103.5MB) High (305.9MB)


1. How to use Math and Science to Solve real problems (11.58min), Low (44.9MB) High (123.7MB)


1. Gateskate (5.25min), Low (18.9MB) High (54.7MB)


1. Norman Tuck, 20 minutes of kinetic sculpture (4.32min), Low (17.3MB) High (45.9MB)
2. Norman Tuck, 20 minutes of kinetic sculpture (10.02min) Low (37.9MB) High (101.2MB)
3. Norman Tuck, 20 minutes of kinetic sculpture (6.19min) Low (21.8MB) High (62.1MB)


1. Emprise, Inc. (Pedal Boats) (4.20min), Low (15.7MB) High (42.5MB)
2. Andy Bike Stability (1.26min), Low (5.8MB) High (14.2MB)
3. Andy Bike Stability (0.52min), Low (3.7MB) High (8.7MB)


1. Yamaha Express (Pedal Boats) (6.17min), Low (23MB) High (61.2MB)


1. Andy Pin Experiment (35.36min), Low (119.5MB) High (341.2MB)
2. Andy Pin Experiment (1.27.23min), Low (285MB) High (873.9MB)


1. Andy Pin Experiment (2.03.27min), Low (408MB) High (1130MB)


1. Simulation of Human Motion (Jessica Hodgins) (6.10min), Low (23.2MB) High (63.4MB)


1. Scientific American - The Bionic Body (55.22min), Low (193.7MB) High (569.7MB)


1. Toys of Athelstan Spilhaus (1.24.03min), Low (289.5MB) High (861.8MB)


1. Trampofoil (11.14min), Low (39.6MB) High (111.3MB)


1. Talk: Anthony Block (11/10/1994) Dynamics and Control of Non-Holonomic System (54.52min), Low (195.7MB) High (544.8MB)
2. Talk: Kenneth Kennedy (1/25/2002) Dev of Tools Tech and its effect on Human Body (7.30min), Low (26.4MB) High (72.5MB)
3. Talk: Kenneth Kennedy (1/25/2002) Dev of Tools Tech and its effect on Human Body (5.45min) Low (19.9MB) High (55.5MB)
4. Talk: Kenneth Kennedy (1/25/2002) Dev of Tools Tech and its effect on Human Body (44.06min) Low (142.1MB) High (441.7MB)


1. International Birdman Rally (49.10min), Low (170.2MB) High (484.8MB)
2. International Birdman Rally (30.56min), Low (113.1MB) High (306.4MB)


1. 48 Hours: Wheel of Fortune (story of row bike inventor) (0.25min), Low (1.8MB) High (4.3MB)
2. 48 Hours: Wheel of Fortune (story of row bike inventor) (5.56min), Low (23.7MB) High (59.8MB)
3. 48 Hours: Wheel of Fortune (story of row bike inventor) (0.12min), Low (0.9MB) High (2.1MB)


1. Scientific American: Natural Born Robots (56.20min), Low (208.8MB) High (556.1MB)


1. Moonbuggy 2002 - Cornell Team (28.22min), Youtube, Download: Low (107.5MB) High (280.3MB)


1. Powered Robot (0.10min), Youtube, Download: Low (0.8MB) High (1.8MB)
2. Rolling Wheel (0.18min), Youtube, Download: Low (1.3MB) High (2.1MB)
3. Rolling Wheel (0.11min), Low (0.8MB) High (1.8MB)
4. Rolling Wheel (3.01min), Low (12.2MB) High (30.4MB)
5. Bicycle Stability (0.18min), Low (1.2MB) High (3MB)
6. Bicycle Stability (1.16min), Low (5.3MB) High (12.7MB)
7. Martyn Walker with Arms (5.32min), Low (20.5MB) High (55.1MB)
8. Martyn Walker with Arms (3.56min), Low (14.1MB) High (37.3MB)
9. Martyn Walker with Arms (1.05.30min), Low (221.1MB) High (623.1MB)
10. Martyn Walker with Arms (26.23min), Low (94.5MB) High (253.3MB)