HW & Grading
Lab Info
Staff  & Office hrs
Lecture Videos

Older Announcements

(MAE 1170 / ENGRI 1170)
  • 12/6/ 2009:
Thanks for the nice competition on Sat.  You were all good sports.
1. Please TODAY send me any pictures you have of the car competition.  Team pictures, your car, whatever.  If you have any     good video clips, send them too.
    (I will post all the non-blurry pictures.  And Anoop will post the video.)
2. Please complete the Online Course survey.  We get a list of all the people who do the survey. You will get one point bonus on     your grade for doing the survey.
    After grades are in we get the surveys too (but not the names that go with them).  We will read every one.  There is a                reasonable chance I (Andy) will teach the class again next year so the "good things" and "bad things" are most useful.
  • 12/2/09:
1. Here are solutions to HW-8, HW-9 and HW-10... this might help in Quiz tomorrow. They are not full, some part like Hw-8 prob1, HW-10 prob 3 and 4 are missing, because they were simple, or done in the lecture specially.
2. Again, for people who haven't collected their HW's yet, they are lying in a yellow envelope outside my office Kimaball 317.
If anyone has HW that belong to somebody else, pls return it to me in lec or under my office door.

  • 11/24/09:
1. HW-11, last HW can also be submitted on Thu, Dec 3.
2. The left over HW's are outside my office in Kimbal 317.
  • 11/23/09:
1. HW-11, last HW, posted, Due on Tue Dec 1.
2. In class quiz on Thursday Dec 3 will cover all material in all lectures, labs and homeworks.
3. You can collect your HOMEWORKS left from the piles, sorted by your lab section and last name, outside my office Kimball-317, AFTER 4pm today (Mon, Nov 23).  I'll also bring them in lecture tomorrow.
4.Competition is Saturday Dec 5.
5.Final project report due Monday Dec 7.
  • 11/12/09:
EXTRA OFFICE HOURS to work on the final project:
Sat, Nov 141 - 3 pmJustin
7 - 9pmAnoop
Sun, Nov 152 - 4 pmBrian
Sat, Nov 213 - 5pm Justin
5 - 7pmJohn
7 - 9pmAnoop
Sun, Nov 228 - 10pmBrian
Wed, Dec 211:15 - 1pmBrian
Thu, Dec 312:45 - 1:45pmJustin
4:30 - 6:30pmAnoop
6:30 - 9:30John
Fri, Dec 412:15 - 1:15 Justin
  • 11/11/09:
1. HW 10 due date extended to Monday Nov 16.  Under anoop's office door (Kimball 317) by 5pm.  (you can also hand it in the class on coming Thursday, Nov 12)
  • 11/9/09:
1. HW 10 posted, due on Thu Nov 12
  • 11/3/09:  
1. HW-9 due date extended to Monday Nov 9 by 3 PM to Anoop (Kimball 317, in person or under the door).
You may hand it in on Thursday Nov 5 if you like.
  • 10/31/09:  
1. HW-9 posted, due on Thu Nov 5.
  • 10/26/09:  
1. No labs this week (Tue 27th Oct to Friday 30th).
2. Respective TA's will hold extra office hrs in Th 102.
3. Prof Ruina will have office hrs on Wed from 2-3 pm in Th 102. 
  • 10/26/09:  
1. Stats for the Quiz:
Mean: 111.9 / 160
St. Deviation:  44.5
  • 10/24/09:  
1. HW 8 posted, due on Thu, Oct 29.
  • 10/18/09:  
1. There will be labs in the coming week.
2. HW-7 posted, its due on 22 Oct.
  • 10/13/09:  
1. No lab this week but corresponding TA's will have office hrs in Thurston 102, from 2 to 4:30pm.
  • 10/13/09:  
1. No lab on Wednesday Oct 14, but TA Brian will have office hrs in Thurston 102, from 2 to 4:30pm.
. Andy will have office hours on Wednesday October 14 in Thurston 102 from 2 - 3:30pm.
3.There is no homework due this week on Thursday Oct 15.
4. The in-class quiz Thursday will/can cover all aspects of the course:
Matlab (through lesson 6)
Lectures (all ideas, including guest lectures)
Homework (all things in homework including related concepts)
Labs (through the lab last week).
This is not particularly meant to be a "Memorize this and learn to turn the crank" course. Rather you should understand what has happened so far as deeply as you can as best as you can.

  • 10/4/09:  
0) Matlab extra help was fun today. Thank you to those
who showed up.
1) There will be no labs for the week of  Tuesday Oct 6 - Friday Oct 9.
2) HW-6 due Thu,Oct 8th. 
3)  In the future, in this class and others, please consider that traveling  during scheduled lab or class times does not justify missing anything. You might think something like this:
"I don't want  to go to my lab section on Friday as I already bought a plane ticket to go home over fall break."  That's fine.  We all want a longer break.  But what you miss is your loss for grading, education and all else. Some times some professors or TAs may let you make up some things, but you can't count on it.
  • 10/3/09:  
1. Sun, Oct 4, 2-5 pm: MATLAB Q&A in second floor of Thurston.
We'll start in Thurston 204 and  move to a bigger room if needed. Bring your laptop with Matlab, if you have that.
  • 9/29/09:  
1. HW-5 is now due Tue, Oct 6,  NOT Thu Oct 1
2.  Solutions to HW-4 are posted check
HW & Grading
  • 9/24/09:  
In lecture on Thursday Sept 24 it was demonstrated how to do the homework due on Sept 17 using numerical integration.  Here is the program shown in lecture, cleaned up some and with more comments.
  • 9/20/09:  
HW-4 posted. Due Sept 24.
  • 9/19/09:  
1. Report for the Lab2 held this week (Robolab1) is due the week after the next, on your respective lab days.
Guidelines have been appended in the handout on the website.

2. A quick short survey called 'Nuts and Bolts' is now available under the 'assignments' tab on blackboard.
All are required to fill in and please do it soon. Your information will be anonymous.

  • 9/13/09:  
HW-3 posted, due Sept 17.
  • 9/11/09:
Guest lectures schedule:
Sept  15 Tuesday:   Herb Voelcker (history of machines)
Oct    8  Thursday:  Brian Kirby   (Intro to micro-fluidics)
Nov  10 Tuesday:   Marjolein van der Muelen (to be determined)
Nov  12 Thursday:  Zellman Warhaft (Environment and Engineering Design)
Nov  19 Thursday:  Petru Petrina (Intro to structures)
  • 9/10/09:  
Check out some cool HW-1s !
  • 9/3/09:  
HW-2 posted, due Sep 10.
  • 8/28/09:  
HW-1, due Sep 3,  posted. Look in  HW & Grading.
  • 8/27/09:   
  1. ENGRI 1170 class cancelled today.There's been a flood in Olin Hall, so the building is closed until noon today. We'll pick up on Tuesday. 
  2. There will be a homework assignment, which is to spend 4 hours getting started with Matlab. Matlab is accessible in basically all the public computer facilities. Details will be posted here soon. 
  3. Labs start next week.  You don't need to prepare for the lab in any way.
  • 8/26/09: 
  1. Register on Blackboard ASAP